Healing Strong Testimony
Jan 16, 2025 8:09:58 AM Angela Aberle 3 min read
Five years after setting my family in Texas, I received an unexpected cancer diagnosis. I had no pains or symptoms and I looked generally healthy. I did have several relatives who had fought that battle so I accepted that it was “just my turn”. I thought that I can take this as a challenge, a chance to win. It’s like Ive been assigned a new project.
With much prayers, I embarked on my cancer journey through the road less traveled. I decided to not receive the standard of care. Instead, I studied day and night to learn how naturally my body can bounce back to homeostasis. I called and met with gracious people who have successfully journeyed out of cancer. I invested a lot of time and resources with many medical practitioners from the east and west. I traveled far outside my comfort zones for research and alternative treatments. I attended conferences, read lots of books, watched tons of videos. I worked full time to find that physical healing so I can go back to my “normal” life already.
My efforts were fruitful. Very quickly my situation improved. I got very well connected and I built a solid knowledge base. My tumors shrunk to my doctor’s surprise. I lost 40 lbs of fat that I did not need. My skin glowed and I looked better than when I was diagnosed. My husband and my kids did not see much change in their lifestyle through the help of our church family. My parents and my siblings spent quality time with me. During the times that I had to be away, our friends brought food to my family like every day was a fiesta. Life was “almost beautiful”.
However, there also came set backs. I had to be hospitalized 3 times for blood transfusions. Times away from my kids were difficult. Our savings accounts were depleted. There were scary moments. Perhaps the hardest blow was that my father, who helped me heal from cancer, died with cancer.
I thanked the Lord for His blessings and provisions but I also asked the Him what I was missing. Did I not hear some of His instructions? Was this not the direction I had to follow? Ive done so much and many faithful people have sacrificed for me. I felt that I have finished my PhD (pain, hardship and discipline) and yet I could not receive my NED (No Evidence of Disease) diploma. I begged Him to send me to the right place where I would find the help. He answered!
Three of my friends and I became the first students of JourneyU! Week after week for a couple of years we sought the Lord for His Word about our own journeys. This is where I realized that I had focused on my physical recovery that I forgot how God made me in His own image. I was made with a body, soul and spirit. While my spirit is already promised an eternal life with Him through Jesus’s death and resurrection; and my body was on a wellness way, my soul needed care. I had soul wounds. My heart was broken. I had believed lies that reshaped my attitude. I acted and reacted based on my traumas. To recognize and be able to process all these jumpstarted my emotional and mental healing. The Great Physician’s assistants at JourneyU walked me through this dimension where I found the alignment of my spirit, soul and body that would take me into wholeness.
I am grateful to Jesus for also putting me into a faith based support group, HealingStrong. The participants in my group met regularly, prayed and journeyed together. Over the years, I have been given a chance to share God’s story in my life to the ones in my position when I was first diagnosed. Thanks to Jesus I am Healing strong with many others. I am able to enjoy mentoring group leaders from other states/countries and being on the Board of Directors. It is my joy to have JourneyU and HealingStrong partner in the business of caring and healing. It is my honor to bring to all not only the healing modalities, but the true Healer Himself!