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Don’t Stop Believing

Sep 23, 2024 12:06:15 PM Liz VanSteenhouse 1 min read

Jesus instructed us to BELIEVE.…and then He reminded me the other day, “DON’T STOP BELIEVING.” …but sometimes I struggle with believing, so I tell Him my struggles…being honest with Him, Jesus meets me where I’m at—I pray something like, “LORD, I BELIEVE, HELP my unbelief!!!!!” (Mark 9:24) LET’s BE REAL—So important—be humble, honest, and real with Him in our struggles!…..childlike faith invites MIRACLES. * JESUS IS MERCIFUL AND COMPASSIONATE.* JESUS CARES, LISTENS, AND ANSWERS PRAYER. * JESUS IS TRUSTWORTHY & ALL POWERFUL HEALER. * PRAYER BRINGS HEAVEN TO EARTH !!!* JESUS COMMANDS US – BELIEVE.“..Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus…” (Acts 4:30) I’m fervently PRAYING for GOD to step into our situations this morning. There is so much pain and suffering in our world. I KNOW just ONE MOMENT in His Presence changes everything for the better!! PLEASE COME LORD, we are turning from our ways to YOUR WAYS, PLEASE COME HEAL OUR LAND.


Liz VanSteenhouse

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