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The Envy of Joseph’s Brothers

Oct 10, 2024 10:51:51 AM Angela Aberle 2 min read

The story of Joseph and his brothers is found in the Book of Genesis (chapters 37-50). It depicts the destructive nature of envy between Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob, and his 11 brothers. Joseph received a beautiful coat of many colors from his father, which brought on his brothers’ feelings of jealousy and resentment. Their envy was fueled by the blatant favoritism of their father as well as the dreams that Joseph boasted of, which foretold that he would one day rule over them.  This only ignited their animosity for Jospeh.

The 11 brothers plotted to kill Joseph due to their anger and envy, but rather than kill him, they decided it better to sell him into slavery instead. This decision marked a pivotal point in their lives that led to a sequence of events that would cause a ripple effect of consequences for Joseph and his brothers. In their hasty attempt to rid themselves of their envy, they betrayed their brother, their father and themselves.

As Jospeh’s story unfolds, he rises to a prominent position of leadership in Egypt, interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams and managing the land during a time of great famine. Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt seeking food and they are confronted by their brother who they betrayed. This encounter emphasizes the long-lasting effects of their envy; it ultimately leads to a humbling and a chance for reconciliation.

The story of Joseph and his brothers serves as a powerful reminder of the destructive nature of envy and the importance of addressing feelings of jealousy before they lead to harmful actions. It also illustrates the possibility of forgiveness and redemption, even after deep betrayal.

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones” Proverbs 14:30

The Fruit of Envy

Envy is defined as a feeling of discontent aroused by someone else’s contentment. Envy can be rooted in many things including insecurity, comparison, lack of contentment, desire for approval, cultural and social influences, fear of loss, and unmet needs or desires.

This envy leads to fruit that is seen in: bitterness, jealousy, gossip and slander, discontentment, isolation, resentment, unhappiness, and competitive behaviors.

How do we overcome ENVY?

  1. RECOGNIZE the ENVY is there
  2. REPENT for coming into agreement with ENVY
  3. LET GO of the hurt and pain by forgiving those who have tempted you into ENVY
  4. LET GOD help you walk a new way now that you have repented and forgiven

Learn more about how to walk out this journey through our Trace Modeling curriculum at www.JourneyU.org/Curriculum

Angela Aberle

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